Alison’s a fiancee, budding golfer, puppy owner and startup team member
What does wellness mean to you, Alison?
For me, it means exercise, self-care and pampering
How much time do you try to set aside each week for wellness?
7 hours per week
And what’s your go-to treatment on Urban?
A deep tissue massage
Anything new you’d like to try?
I’d love to try reflexology!
How often do you book a massage?
Do you book for a specific need or do you just love the treatment?
To treat myself!
When you’re not focusing on wellness, what might we find you doing?
I work at a startup, which takes up a lot of time! I also love to exercise and have recently taken up golf. I love taking long walks with my fiance and puppy, too!
Ah, why golf?
I took up golf ‘officially’ December 2020 (I had 2 lessons a week before the Christmas lockdown!). My fiance and I just bought a home in an area just outside London that is FULL of golf courses and I thought it would be a great opportunity to commit to properly learning. My grandfather used to take me to the driving range as a kid and I remember enjoying it, but up till now had never had lessons or joined a club.
Nice! Where do you play?
We play up at Coombe Wood Golf Course in Kingston, but also like to take mini breaks to hotels with golf courses. We will often play a few holes during the week after work just to keep it up!
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to try golf?
Start with lessons and be consistent with them! Take what you learn and practice at the driving range. Find a club that is more casual and get out as soon as possible and play the course during off-peak hours, preferably with someone good at golf and also extremely patient (like my fiance!). Bring lots of extra balls – you’ll lose a lot in the boundaries during those first months!
Finally, what are you most excited to do now lockdown’s starting to lift?
I’d really love to go to the US to visit my family. Other than that, just enjoying a meal outdoors with friends!
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